Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Last Stormlord: By Glenda Larke



Shale is the lowest of the low-an outcast from a poor village in the heart of the desert. In the desert water is life, and currency, and Shale has none. But he has a secret. It's the one thing that keeps him alive and may save all the cities of the Quartern in the days to come. If it doesn't get him killed first...

Terelle is a slave fleeing a life as a courtesan. She finds shelter in the home of an elderly painter but as she learns the strange and powerful secrets of his art she fears she may have traded a life of servitude for something far more perilous...

The Stormlord is dying in his tower and there is no one, by accident or design, to take his place. He brings the rain from the distant seas to his people. Without a Stormlord, the cities of the Quartern will wither and die.

Their civilization is at the brink of disaster. If Shale and Terelle can find a way to save themselves, they may just save them all. Water is life and the wells are running dry...


The Last Stormlord is a long book about a desert like civilization on the precipice of civil war. It is filled with politics, action, and build up… Lots and lots of build up. This is the first book in the series and as such has to set the stage for the remaining books. That said quite a bit happens in The Last Stormlord, and yet the story is far from complete.

Larke has no problem killing off important characters and as such readers should not get to comfortable or connected to any of the characters. The story is broken up into different characters perspectives giving the story in full through multiple eyes. It is exciting, gripping, and captivating, making it almost impossible for a reader to put this book down. In fact because of its compelling nature, The Last Stormlord will have even the most experienced readers wanting to skim ahead to see what happens to the characters and situations.

All in all The Last Stormlord is an engaging book that many fantasy readers will love. Larke has a great voice and the story is both well written and intriguing. The politics does run a little deep, and the story is long, but for those willing to put in the time and effort this is a fantastic book just waiting to be read.


8.5 out of 10


Publisher: Orbit

Published: March 1, 2010

Price: $7.99

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